6 Questions to Ask Potential Litigation Lawyers

6 Questions to Ask Potential Litigation Lawyers

Litigation lawyers have an important role to play in your life, so it makes sense that you’d want to find the best litigation lawyers possible. Usually litigation lawyers will offer an initial free or low-cost consultation.While this might seem intimidating, in actual fact it can be the key you need for finding the right litigation lawyers to represent you. Here are some recommended questions to ask during your initial consultation.

1. Do You Have Experience in These Matters?

When considering a litigation lawyer, you need to find out whether they’ve taken on similar cases to yours. Do they have experience in these matters? Will they know how to handle your case? If they have taken on cases similar to your own, ask what the outcome was for these cases.

2. What’s Your Experience in the Court?

Have these litigation lawyers had previous experiences in the court where your case will occur? If you know the judge who will be presiding, ask what past experience the litigation lawyer has had with them. What about the opposing counsel? What happened in cases when they went up against this counsel before? It’s important to know these details, as they could have a profound effect on your chances of success.

3. What Are Your Qualifications and Experience? What Staff Will You Use On This Case?

You need to make sure that your litigation lawyers are highly qualified and experienced in matters similar to your case. You also might want to find out if the main lawyer will be using lesser qualified persons as part of the team, such as younger lawyers or paralegals.

4. What Are Your Fees?

It’s important that you ask about the fees of litigation lawyers so you know what you’re up for. Some litigation lawyers will have fixed fees, while other more community-based lawyers may have a sliding scale for fees. Ask not just what the hourly rate is, but also how that might translate to an overall cost for the case from initial stages to completion. Note that if younger lawyers or paralegals are working on your case some of the time, you may be able to negotiate a lower fee.

5. What Are My Chances?

While you’re consulting with litigation lawyers, it’s a good idea to ask what they perceive your chances are of winning in court. You could also ask about the potential weaknesses in your case, and what they would do about those if you end up choosing to work with them.

6. How Do You Communicate?

It’s important to get an idea of how potential litigation lawyers plan to communicate with you. Some forms of communication could be too much if you’re a more hands-off kind of client, or vice versa, a more hands-on kind of client might like more information and to be kept in the loop more frequently.


When you’re looking for reputable litigation lawyers, it’s important to ask plenty of questions to understand if the lawyers you’re talking to are the best fit for you. Make sure you ask about crucial points such as experience, familiarity with court, judges and opposition, qualifications, fees, and how they communicate. When you have this overview of facts, you’ll be much better placed to choose the right litigation lawyer.

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