I-212 Waiver Assistance

I-212 Waiver Assistance is an important step in regaining entry into the United States after being removed for immigration violations. A knowledgeable and sympathetic immigration attorney, like the ones at Manji Law, can help you with the application process.

A I-212 waiver allows you to gain consent to reapply for legal readmission into the United States before your applicable bar expires. However, it does not reactivate any prior visas.

Legal Advice

Aliens found inadmissible to the United States are prevented from re-entering the country by a period of time known as a “bar.” Seattle Immigration Attorney Brandon Gillin can help foreign nationals whose bar has expired and need to obtain Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission to the United States after Deportation or Removal.

Applicants must submit evidence to prove they are rehabilitated and unlikely to re-offend. They must also demonstrate a US citizen or permanent resident spouse or child would suffer extreme hardship in their absence. Lastly, they must show the qualifying crime was committed more than 15 years ago and that it did not affect national security.

An I-212 waiver is discretionary, and immigration officials are not obligated to grant it even if the applicant’s case has merit. Having an experienced lawyer on your side can make all the difference. It can even save you from having to file other waivers such as a 601A waiver for unlawful presence or another unwaivable bar, such as renouncing citizenship for tax avoidance purposes.


If you need a I-212 waiver to travel, consult an experienced immigration attorney with a strong record of approvals. A lawyer can guide you through the process, including what kind of affidavits you may need and who should issue them. He or she can also help you build the strongest possible case to demonstrate that the US government will not be adversely affected by your travel.

Consultation services are important, as the law is constantly changing and what works today may not work tomorrow. An experienced immigration lawyer stays up to date on the latest laws and is well equipped to handle any issues that might arise during the process.

Upon reviewing the evidence presented by the applicant, the immigration attorney can determine which grounds of inadmissibility apply and whether the person qualifies for a 212 waiver. A 212 waiver allows an inadmissible immigrant or non-immigrant to seek consent to reapply for admission to the United States after the period of inadmissibility runs out.


The I-212 waiver, also known as the consent to reapply, allows individuals who were previously deported to reapply for admission to the United States. The decision to grant this waiver is made on a case-by-case basis, and depends on numerous factors, including whether the individual was rehabilitated (if criminal activity led to their removal), the strength of family ties in the U.S., and the person’s respect for law and good moral character.

In addition, the applicant must submit affidavits supporting the application. These affidavits should include details of the family’s close ties to the US, and any difficulties they would face if the waiver is not granted. It is critical that the affidavits are not false. If they are, the individual could face criminal charges.

The attorneys of Salmon-Haas can assist you in putting together all the necessary documentation to support your application. They have extensive experience serving clients in San Antonio and beyond with a wide variety of immigration issues, and they can help you build the strongest case possible for your I-212 waiver.


Form I-212, known as Consent to Reapply for Admission, allows people who were deported or removed from the United States to request permission to reapply for entry into the country before their period of inadmissibility expires. The process is usually long and complicated, and requires proof of extreme hardship to the applicant’s U.S. citizen spouse or children in order to be granted a waiver.

When filing for a 212 waiver, you must offer your full legal name and alien registration number, as well as the other names that you have used in the past, the physical and mailing address where you have lived, your age, nationality or country of citizenship, and gender. You must also certify under penalty of perjury that the information you are providing is true.

The final section of the form will ask you to specify which office at which you would like to file, such as the local USCIS or Consulate. It is important to consult with an experienced attorney to determine which location is most appropriate for your situation.

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