What To Expect From Your First Meeting With a Personal Injury Lawyer

What To Expect From Your First Meeting With a Personal Injury Lawyer

When it comes to filing for compensation after a personal injury you would be surprised at just how many people never actually do it, even if they have been injured because of someone else. Much of this comes down to nerves and not wanting to get involved in legal action, after all who does? With this being said however it is important that you at the very least get some legal assistance if you have been injured in this way. If you speak with a team such as personal injury attorneys Philips Law Group for example, there will be no obligation to do anything and they can impart some good advice which may help you. 

Should you decide to process a claim, you will of course be looking for a great lawyer. The advice which most give is to have a meeting with 2 or 3 potential candidates to see how you feel. When you do sit down with those lawyers, here is what you should expect. 

Speaking With a Lawyer

If you walk into a law firm and they sit you down with anyone who is not a fully trained lawyer then you should really turn around and leave. Whilst your details and the case details can be taken by anyone in the firm, it is legal representation that you are looking for and that is exactly why should be speaking with a lawyer. If they don’t have the time to speak with you, then it goes a long way to show how much they value your custom. 

Empathy Shown 

As we have mentioned you are likely to be feeling nervous and a little overwhelmed by speaking to a lawyer, about what is already a tough topic to discuss in your injury. This is exactly why you should expect a lawyer to be empathetic with you and really show that they care about what has happened to you. For them most of these cases are pretty straight forward, but they shouldn’t treat you as just another client. This is the bare minimum which you should expect from a lawyer. 

Steps of the Case

At this point no lawyers should be making promises to you about your compensation or what will happen in the case. What they should be doing however is talking you through what this kind of case looks like, and what will be expected of you. The very best lawyers are those with excellent communication and this is exactly what you should see at this early stage. 


And finally you should expect a good level of transparency from the lawyer, when they are talking about what they can do for you. This also covers the financials, and they should make it clear from the get-go exactly what their fees are, what percentage of compensation they will take, at which point they will be paid and how they will be paid. 

Ultimately you should come out of the law firm feeling as though you have a lawyer who understands you, who communicates well, who is honest and who will do all they can to help resolve your case.

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