Having been accused of a crime can possibly tarnish one’s name, restrict liberties and other serious impacts. To minimize the impact it can possibly have, you need a lawyer who is experienced and knows how to draw up a strong and unique defence. Alberta Legal is one of the leading names in criminal law. Following are the different areas of practices of criminal law.

Criminal Charges

If you are being investigated for a crime, you must have a criminal defence lawyer on retainer. The lawyer will guide you through the process and prevent you from incriminating yourself. It is always best to have a lawyer by your side from the beginning.

Sexual Offence

Sexual Assault and offence cases are highly complex. When you have been accused of such a crime, you need a lawyer who has an understanding of the law and knows the rules of evidence which are essential for the defence. The team at Alberta Legal have successfully defended several sexual assault cases. Their lawyers are well versed with it.

Drug Charges

Whether you have been charged for possession, production or trafficking of drugs, you need to reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t leave your freedom up to chance. Such charges are serious and come with a lengthy sentence. Only having a lawyer can help to protect your reputation and freedom.


The charges of assault can be lifelong. Hence, you must choose your team wisely. As this is your fight for freedom, you need the right lawyers by your side. Alberta Legal’s team will be there by your side to fight for you.

Domestic Abuse

The charges of domestic abuse can lead to fines, lengthy sentences, losing permanent custody rights of children and even losing contact with family. All of this can be prevented with the right legal representation.


It is one of the most common white-collar crime charges. It comes with fines or harsh sentencing. All of this can be avoided with the right legal time. They can prevent your life from being derailed by charges of fraud and theft.

Bail Hearing

Being in jail or having someone in jail can be difficult. When one is in jail, they can either be released while waiting for their trial or stay in the holding cell till then. All of this is determined by the bail hearing. These hearings require special negotiation skills. The lawyers at Alberta Legal team, have the necessary knowledge and experience, needed to negotiate the conditions of the release on bail.

Youth Offence

When your child has committed an offence, finding the right lawyer can be difficult. The rules and regulations in youth court are different from the adult court. You would require a well-practised lawyer who understands the law very well. Someone you can trust. The legal representation of Alberta Legal consists of people whom you can trust. They will work to build a strong defence to protect your child.

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